Why doesn't my Stream Media Source work?

Hi, I’ve got some video files in Dropbox/GoogleDrive (doesn’t matter which I have to use as long as it works) that I wish to play in my app. Stream Media Source works fine when I use the Unreal sample video , but when I use my own videos I get this error message Error: Failed to resolve URL Dropbox - Besøkssenteret_Proxy (convert-video-online.com).mp4 - Simplify your life Access is denied. Is there something in my settings that’s wrong?

Please help, and thanks.

As this is related to your other question here and the answer is already given there, I’d suggest if anyone got the same issue to check that one out.
The relevant part has been explained in detail in this UE4 live stream.

I watched the live training and did exactly as they instructed. Now I get a different response than “Access is Denied” or “URL is unsupported”. Now it instead gives me “Called with null MediaSource”. Meaning it found the right place but not the video that’s there, and I know it’s there.

Do you have any other sources that could shed light on my dilemma?

Is it possible then to set up a ulr with a video file like the sample video used here? https://docs.unrealengine.com/Attachments/WorkingWithMedia/MediaFramework/HowTo/StreamMediaSource/Infiltrator%20Demo.mp4

Yes, it’s possible.
Can you give us an overview on what exactly you’re doing?
Did you check out the compatibility/supported file formats page for your device(s)?

I’m making an app for an android based VR headset called Pico G2 4K, the app is essentially a fancy video player for future presentations and tradeshows, etc. The problem I ran into was that the videos were too big to keep stored inside the app because of androids’ maximum 4gb app limitation. So I figured I could stream them as video textures from an outside source instead. I tested the streaming capabilities using [this][1] sample video, but when I attempt to stream files using google drive or dropbox I get these error messages



You need to use a (s3) bucket service to store the mp4 file direcly.
Not with a intermidiate platform like dropbox.

UE have this sample link you can use for testing

This is a sample service for using buckets