Why doesn't my Delegate work?

So I’ve been working with delegates for the first time, and my code doesn’t work. I have no idea why so I thought maybe here I could get an answer. The compile always completes, but when I want to play and test this, my engine crashes. It crashes on this bit:

void AGoKartPhysics::BeginPlay()

	BoostBox2->BoostBoxEntered.AddDynamic(this, &AGoKartPhysics::BindToDelegateBoost);

BoostBox2 is declared as follows:

ATriggerBox2* BoostBox2 = Cast<ATriggerBox2>(GoKart);

Where GoKart comes from this:

AGoKartPhysics* GoKart;

BoostBoxEntered comes from this:

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FBoostBoxEntered, bool, BoostBoxEnteredActive);

and this:

		FBoostBoxEntered BoostBoxEntered;

BindToDelegateBoost is the receiving void:

		void BindToDelegateBoost(bool BoostBoxEnteredActive);

This is everything I know, or I think I know, as I’m quite new to C++ and everything.
I hope sincerely someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance!

What crash do you get? Is there an exception?

I think you mean something like this?:

UE4Editor_MarioTutorial_9589!TArray,TSizedDefaultAllocator<32> >::RemoveAllSwap< >()



Have you checked if BoostBox2 is a valid pointer when you do the binding?