In 4.25 I have a custom character in a network game that I can see move around on other clients and the listen server. When I run the following event from a timer in my pawn to try and replicated my oculus rift HMD movement to a mesh component (HMD Head) it works but I can no longer move smoothly. The server constantly resets my position. If I break the connection to ‘S Update Head’ my character movement works as expected.
So I had the events set to reliable and turning that off allows the movement replication to work again. Unfortunately the head only updates every second or two. I have a similar setup with my motion controllers and they run smooth.
never set location when replicating. set them to a variable and use TInterp to move smoothly then set location based on result of TInterp.
Thanks for the response. I had been using variables and it wasn’t working so I tried this. I was calling a separate function for the hands and head so I tried putting everything in one event and it works. The blueprint is called in a timer every .05 seconds. .01 jitters my local movement a little so I went to .05 because it’s not that important. I just want other players to see what my hands and head are doing.