Why does the player character jump when the sphere trace hits something?

Why does the player character jump when the sphere trace hits something?

That’s weird. I’m not seeing a jump. Looks like CMC’s floor trace is hitting the sphere traces and moving the capsule up. Then the player falls. This shouldn’t be possible. Trace on trace interaction.

Go up to a wall again, hit prone, then pause and detach. Like to see if the capsule is shifting up.

It feels like the capsule, when hitting something, just bounces back, directly hitting the player character’s legs.

Can you post a video of it?

Play, get close to a wall and prone. As soon as the traces fire pause it and detach. pan the camera back. Get good shots of the capsule base and traces.

Well, it was my bug. After the line trace, there was a node where the collision capsule was compressed for the prone position. That is, according to the condition, it should not have reached that point, but it did, and as a result, the line trace collision occurred because the player’s capsule radius was changing at that moment. I solved this bug. Anyway, thank you for responding.