Why does the lighting keep dimming dark to bright depending where I look? Can I stop this?

When I look away from an area or down at the floor everything gets brighter, but then when I look back up it gets dark, when I move around or look around I notice alot of dimming and brightening, its very annoying. I dont have any post processing, I literally toggled and messed with every single lighting setting that I could, I’ve spent all day trying to figure out whats causing this, how can I stop it? It happens in editor and standalone game, using directional realtime light only

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This has to do with “Auto Exposure”.

There are two places Auto Exposure can be set. One is in a post process volume, the other is in whatever camera you’re looking through.

To disable it I recommend setting “Min Brightness” and “Max Brightness” to 1.0. Then set “Auto Exposure Bias” to 0.0. Do this in both the camera you’re looking through and any post process volumes you have :slight_smile:


As Weaver stated this is correct. For your game and in the editor you can override this default by using a post process that encompasses your play areas.

If you want this by default in your game and just want to turn it off in the editor you can go to the viewport options > Show > Post Process > Uncheck “Eye Adaptation” to turn it off for the viewport only. The same for any other post process effects you may not need in the editor but want in your game. :slight_smile:

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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Tried Weaver’s hint in UE 4.7.1and it helped a bit but I still have the effect that when you turn away from some light sources it seems to get switched of suddenly and back on when I turn back around to it.

Where can I find this in 4.7.1?
viewport options > Show > Post Process > Uncheck "Eye Adaptation

I am using the fire from the starter pack.

Hi Doc,
Is the light in question emitting from a particle, or is it a regular old in game light source?

If it’s a particle I’d check this out:

Essentially, to save on computation a particle will be culled when not in camera. However, you can change the bounds scale of your emitter to prevent this from happening, which is great when you want to have particles create a light effect :).

If it’s not from a particle I’m not sure what’s wrong x_x

As Weaver suggested since you’re using the fire (a particle system) from the starter content this is being culled. The link should help you get that sorted. The bounds scale of particle systems are set so that they aren’t rendered and taking up performance that is no necessary when they’re not in view. There are instances where this needs to be increased such as this.

Thank you! This was driving me crazy and now my night time looks and feels so much better!

I cannot find the settings… I am using 4.19.2

im using 5.2.1 and i have the same problem

The Option Exists in Edit > Project Settings > Rendering > In Default Settings List > Disable Auto Exposure