Why does my virtual shadow maps look jagged in some areas?

Why do my virtual shadow maps look jagged in some areas?

Also does it matter if they are set to moveabl, static or stationary… Lightmaps are disabled for the project.

All Geometry is nanite.

Hi, what kind of light are you using? Can you post a screenshot with the Virtual Page debug view (See Visualization section in this documentation page) and r.Shadow.Virtual.ShowStats set to 1

It is a spot light … here is a screen shot of settings

Not sure what im looking for in the link you send over… Nothing seems to stick out… it just usually happens when a spot light is maybe at a grazing angle? I mean its directly above it… pointing down…

To add insult to injury it has some pretty bad pop when i move away… all settings on epic… Notice how they shadows completely change… to the point they dont make sense… there is no object casting shadow the way it does when u float away.

Cone angle of your spotlight is too large

Regular shadowmaps have the same problem too, it’s basically an artifact of the way perspective projection is done to capture the shadow depth, as you increase the outer cone angle the resolution available in the center shrinks. You can see this in a normal game camera as well by massively increasing the FOV. This is an issue specific to spotlights, because they only capture one shadow depth, so if you’re willing to pay an increased cost you could use a rect or point light instead.

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Looks like that was the solution. Thanks.

Any idea if performance is effected for lumen lighting if u set a light to static, stationary, or movable? Lightmaps being disabled for the project.

Not sure honestly, I could imagine they might improve the efficiency of lumens surface cache or light culling, but I’m just speculating. Don’t know for sure.

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