Why does my UDP server not receive data?

Hi, I’m trying to create a UDP server blueprint in UE4.22 in order to receive data from an external motion controller via microprocessor ESP8266 and WiFi. The blueprint itself doesn’t have any errors but it doesn’t receive the data as far as I see.

Here are screenshots of the blueprint:

[date=2022-02-21 timezone=

Reading large blueprint graph screen shots is super annoying, unfortunately – I wish there was an easy way to export the blueprint graph as readable text…

Anyway, whenever I have a “what’s going on?” problem with networking, I install Wireshark, and do a capture of UDP port xxxx (for whatever port I’m using.)
If the computer gets the data, but not your program, then you know to debug your program.
If the computer doesn’t get the data, then you know to debug the sender (or firewall, or other network part.)

First, you would need to figure out where the problem comes from. It could be an input problem, meaning that the data is not being sent correctly. It could also be an output problem, which means that you aren’t retrieving the data.

If it’s the output, there are many steps where it could go wrong like the transport layer, a port issue, the data could be sent in the wrong output, etc. Try to put logs along with your code so you can monitor exactly the point where the data is going wrong.

There’s this tool that you could use if you were working with a newer version of UE (4.26+), but it would help you find the problem faster:

I work with 4.22 (its the only version that the rest of the code works in). My computer receives the data but the game doesnt

From what you’re saying, it’s less likely that it is a networking issue but more of an application issue. Can you test if you can receive data from a local server? If you receive the data locally, then we can discard the application issue, meaning that something is going wrong with the network you use to connect to your server.

I tried to use a UDP client python script I had on my computer and the game got the ASCII code of the input data I gave from my keyboard.

Then, it looks like there’s something wrong with the application. I can see some debug logs on your blueprint, do you see anything on your end? (i.e.: “striing”).

Hello, we are working on similer project and same problem. Did you solve the problem? and if you did, can you share with us?

I had the same problem, but when I dragged and dropped the blueprint into Unreal, it fixed.