Why does my Metallic map make my mesh almost completely black?

Sorry, I saw 4.26 in this thread and assumed that was the version you are using.

Yeah ideally you want the lower hemisphere color to match your landscape/ground, or use a grey value. It’s also an option to uncheck the option.

If you are just using moveable lights, it limits how reflections can work, and you pretty much just get SSR and your skylight. You can use a cubemap/HDR with a skylight, and with newer versions of the engine, there’s an option that allows the skylight to keep recapturing the environment, which works well for reflections.

I’d suggest setting up a solid white cubemap isntead of using the skydome so that you can compare it against your sketchfab render, it may just be that the base color isn’t bright enough for the environment its in.

Also, of course, ensure your textures are set up correctly (basecolor has sRGB enabled, roughness/metal are linear, etc)

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I’m just working in 4.16 so I can make the asset as backwards compatible as possible :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the help everyone!

Was added in .2 something - and I think it may only work in .26/.27 without causing Hughes hitch on performance.
Before the recapture could be done via BP. And it definitely caused a processing hiccup.

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