Why does my material look different based on view angle?

I have what I feel is a pretty straight forward material that is a wood plank floor. There is no fresnel or anything that would impact how the material looks at a certain angle but yet, as you can see in my attachments, the same material on two different planes has a different color and reflection quality.

I think if you unplug the normal map, it will go away?

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I thought it was one of the maps as well but I stripped all of the maps down to just the diffuse map and the issue remains. I even tried a different material and I still get the same issue.

Weird. And the planes are copies of each other?

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Yeah, weird is saying it lightly. Another person on another forum just mentioned the reflection spheres in my scene. How I did not even play with these is beyond me. I guess I was just so focused on what I “thought” it was with the material/ lighting. I am going to play with reflection setup and see what happens.

I think if you’re using Lumen, those spheres have no effect.

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I am not using Lumen as I am trying to build this for a VR build for someone to package for the Occulus. However, I do appreciate your comments. Good news is I figured it out and it absolutely had everything to do with the reflection spheres. I feel like such an idiot for not even checking these as it is so basic but whatever. The strange thing is that I have built scenes like this in Unreal before (mostly archviz so higher fidelity) and I have not had an issue with the reflection spheres but in this case, they adversely impact the appearance of the floor planes, especially when there is more than 1 in the space. I switched over to the box reflection in this space and it took care of the problem.

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Glad you got there :slight_smile:

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