Hello. I can’t understand. I created transparent material where using opacity parameter with default value 1. As I know material with opacity = 1 isn’t transparent at all, with opacity = 0 is absolutely transparent. But why in BP (and in editor) I see this:
Yes, you are correct- opacity does work like that.
Though, it seems that this is unrelated to opacity. Your wall is rendering in front of everything. Could you show the settings of the mesh and the material being used on it?
I managed to replicate the issue.
You just need to change the blend mode on your material back from translucent to opaque. This is a stone wall- it shouldn’t be translucent.
It doesn’t seem like you’re doing that though- opacity is constantly set to 1.
It wouldn’t be as smooth, but you can change it from translucent to masked and use dithering to smooth it out. This would also be much better performance wise since translucency is really expensive.
No, I’m trying to change it in BP with dynamick material instance when my character hit the collision.
What you mean about dithering? Where I can find the information how to use it?
Also, if you’re just setting it to either completely visible or completely invisible, you can just use opacity mask- no dithering necessary.
You can treat the opacity mask pin exactly as the opacity pin, but opacity mask will round it to either 0 or 1.
Here’s a video by PrismaticaDev covering dithering. While transparency makes an area somewhat visible, dithering makes it either completely visible or completely invisible, and it does so at pixel size.
I wanted to achive a smooth transition, but seems like it works with dithering too. It’s not exactly what I asked (I asked about fixing translucency), but I think it’s very good solution too.