Why does my lighting look weird? the shadows almost look inverted

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You’ll probably find that the normals on the table model are facing the wrong way :slight_smile:

weird, I think my normals are fine. Right?

Err, maybe :slight_smile: Where are we? Is this a modelling program?

Don’t the drawers look inside out to you? That would be normals.

This is blender that I’m using, originally the drawers did look inside out so I put on two sided for the materials on unreal but then I tried inverting the normals again and the mesh looked fine but the shadows were still acting the same. But blue is supposed to mean that the faces are facing the right way btw ( i think)

Those aren’t the normals, that’s the face orientation

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Alright but if my faces are in the right orientation doesn’t that mean my normals are facing the right way also? If not what would I do to fix that?

I didn’t know you could do this in unreal but apparently you can just flip your normals through unreal by just clicking on normals in the modeling mode tab

The face orientation controls which side of the polygon is the “front”, since “back” faces are typically culled. When you have a mesh that is rendering inside-out, that typically means the face orientation is wrong.

That’s not what was happening in your case though, your mesh was rendering with the correct face orientation but with incorrect shading.

The vertex normals control the shading of the mesh, that’s what you needed to be looking at. For future reference you can do this in Unreal just by checking the World Normal buffer visualizer.

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