Why does my engine fps drop so low with a relatively simple scene?

I’ll start off by saying that I am pretty new to Unreal Engine so I may just be making a stupid mistake. I just started foliage painting in a small area in my world (screenshot) but the fps drops to an unbearable 30 fps when previewing. The textures for the trees were at default 8k but I used the max game resolution to limit all the textures to 2048x2048. It didn’t seem to make any difference in performance when previewing. I have a 6700xt. Is it just not powerful enough? I would appreciate any help.

There are SOOO many reasons why FPS/MS can fall.

Just to make ABSOLUTELY certain it is the trees, click the eye icon in the Outliner to the right of your screen that correlates to the INSTANCED_FOLIAGE_ACTOR ← These are your trees, and they should disappear when the eye is closed.

If you notice a huge bump in FPS, then you’ll know, for certain it is the trees.

If it is the trees:

  1. Try enabling NANITE if you haven’t already. You can right-click the asset and enable it there.

  1. If NANITE is enabled, you can go into the tree’s STATIC MESH EDITOR, by double-clicking its icon in Foliage Mode or simply finding the mesh in the Content Browser.

Then you can adjust the amount of triangles your tree has by changing the KEEP TRIANGLE PERCENT VALUE.

  1. If you do not want to utilize Nanite (of if it is not supported)…


]] (↑ That’s how you can check to see if it’s supported. If you see all-Black, then it is not.)

…you can adjust the LODs by:

-Adding to or adjusting the number of current LODs (make sure to APPLY):

-After APPLYing and, you MUST click “CUSTOM”:

-Then you can adjust the SCREEN SPACE (basically draw distance) to determine at what distances each LOD is used:

-Lastly, you can adjust the amount of triangles each LOD uses by changing the TRIANGLE PERCENT:

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Thanks so much! I was able to nearly double my fps when previewing by adjusting the LOD’s alone. Thanks for the help!

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