I did change some project settings regarding nav mesh in order to have my character climb over steeper hills.
And also in character movement i made the same changes to Max Step Height and Walkable Floor Angle (as seen in the image below). Ideally i’d like to have my character be able to reach all points on the map, no matter how steep they are.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this ugly “dancing” glitch which happens most of the times when character hits the slopes? Attached are movement component and reproduction video.
I have to roughly guess here but here is what you want to look out for. You generate a Nav Mesh that indicates where your Agent can walk to but that does not necessary mean he actually can. As example you could genarte a Navmesh that happly makes 75 degree Walkable Angles but your Agent is limited to 25 degrees. So he will try to go trough a location greater than 25 degrees than realize he cant and recalculate another path that tells him again to go there and so on. And that can result in a Happy Dance like that =)
In your case you need to be aware that a Navmesh is not pinpoint accurate. So you always want to have your Agent have a little more freedom than defined in the Navmesh to avoid those kind of precisision errors that can happen.
But again there is not enough debuging information for me to be certain if its the case for you but very likely.
this seems to be connected with the AgentMaxStepHeight. The higher the value the problem more evident. But i need this setting to be higher then the default othervise the navmesh won’t cover hills.
@Nachtmahr what info would you need to be able to give a possible solution to this problem?
This bug exists even if my NavMesh and character have default settings, but the higher AgentMaxStepHeight is, the more visible the problem becomes. Would anyone like to give it a try and solve this?
I think your ground friction might be too low. It looks like he’s walking on ice and can’t stop himself fast enough if there happens to be a downward slope. Or increase the deceleration rate.