I’ve been working on my map for some months now, without issue, but yesterday I suddenly got an error when getting the project size. And now I can’t even launch a session!
The Platform Cook message log says:
PlatformCook: Error: LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: GetIntNum(Property, IntType) < MaxZeroComparisons [File:D:\build\++Fortnite\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\Serialization\UnversionedPropertySerialization.cpp] [Line: 166]
Unexpectedly large property type encountered $ExprResult_2
My output log looks like this (although I don’t think these are useful, cause I think they just say that the cook failed, which we already know):
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest for ***: GetProjectContentPackage
LogValkyrie: Display: UValkyrieProjectSize::RequestProjectLimits received: PublishingMemorySize=225000000 PublishingDownloadSize=419430400 ProjectUploadSize=2147483648 FileCount=4096 IndividualFileSizeKb=5242880
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectUploadSize for ***
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::GetProjectDownloadSize for ***
LogHttp: Warning: Lockout of 10.000000s on https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/api/content/v2/artifact/7fab1f3c-5b2e-4280-b62f-3bcadf9a5da5%3Apc/cooked-content
LogHttp: Warning: Retry 1 on https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/api/content/v2/artifact/7fab1f3c-5b2e-4280-b62f-3bcadf9a5da5%3Apc/cooked-content
LogHttp: Warning: Success on https://content-service.bfda.live.use1a.on.epicgames.com/api/content/v2/artifact/7fab1f3c-5b2e-4280-b62f-3bcadf9a5da5%3Apc/cooked-content
LogValkyrie: ProjectSizeRequest::Cancel for *** - Content (re)cook error errors.com.epicgames.cookplugin.cookfailure.
LogHttp: Warning: HttpRetry: Resetting log verbosity to Warning due to requests being retried
Note: I replaced the project’s id with *** to make it more readable.
Is there any solution to this? I’m not sure when it happened. The only things I did since I launched my last working session was create/modify verse scripts, and add some materials, sequences and devices to the project (which I already deleted thinking it might’ve fixed it, but didn’t).