Why does Face AR Live link work for 5 seconds and then freezes for 30 ?

I set up everything alright, ABP works fine, the only issue that I’m having is that I get only about 5 seconds of face movement, before the mesh freezes in the last position it was and then it refreshes after about 30 more. After which I have the same issue: 5 seconds working, 30 seconds freeze.

I checked Live link’s window and saw that, when the face freezes the dot that indicates connection, turns yellow.

Anyone know what the issue might be, or where I can find log files etc. ?

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I had the same issue, and I managed to solve it by restarting the router.

I had the same issue a few times. In my case it seems to happen when too many devices are connected (and actively using) the same WiFi. When i switched my iPhone (running the LiveLink App) from WiFi to my 4G mobile connection, everything starts to work fine again.