I’m creating a branch during tick where when HMD is enabled returns true, VR settings automatically kick in, and when it returns false, the environment reverts back to non-VR settings.
VR settings being modified include a function that contains a flow sequence modifying scalability to it’s lowest settings.
So all of these trigger one after the next until the sequence is complete thereby drastically helping framerate issues when VR is enabled.
The problem i’m having is that my player controller possesses a pawn that is physics based, and which employs a physics constraint. And when i execute this series of optimization settings (when VR is enabled), the physics constraint seems to be ignored, and my pawn starts rolling around. Any thoughts on what might cause this as the cause and effect seem completely unrelated, but is 100% reproducible in my case?
ok, i was able to isolate this to one setting. this actually seems to be a scalability issue. when i set the sg.effectsquality 0 at runtime, it breaks the physics contraints on phyics based pawn. however, the frame rate does skyrocket from like 65fps to upwards of like 100fps. is this intended for a quality of 0?
this has become a pretty serious issue. I need to figure out how to run a game with most options at the lowest settings for scalability, however this is breaking physics constraints. is there a workaround here? or has anyone experienced a similar problem?
I’m pretty sure that changing the effects quality is “resetting” the engine state in a way that the other graphics settings don’t. I just reported a separate bug report but I suspect that the underlying cause is the same!
Here’s my bug report:
I’ll look deeper into the cause once I’m through my milestone!
thanks Neil.Griffiths!