Why does a material slow down after a short period of time?

Hello! I am making a game for the Android platform, and I had a problem with one material that starts to slow down after 3 minutes of the game, the game itself continues to work with stable 60 frames per second. Everything works well in the UE4 editor !! Can someone help me with this material or advise on how to make similar material less expensive in other ways?)
I will attach a link to the video and a screenshot of the material

[Video with material in the game][1]

Darn… It seems pretty simple, not sure what the problem is…

The panners are just getting higher and higher, while UVs are only between 0 and 1. Try:


Unfortunately it didn’t help :frowning:

I’m starting to think that these are some restrictions in the mobile render :frowning:

Why is there no time calculation or measure connected to Time/Speed nodes of the Panner? or UVs or XYZs connected to the Coordinates input?

Maybe, it’s not a heavy material…

what do you mean? I am not good at materials :frowning:

Well, the sphere with the material is rotating at a constant rate, correct? perhaps it’s missing data in the current graph because there’s no inputs in the panner, and it’s expecting those to synchronize the animation with the frame rate…
it could be a mobile limitation too…though I don’t know what…have you checked project settings in the mobile render category?

Hello bartalam,

This seems like an precision-related error, you could try to set the ‘Fractional Part’ flag to true on the Panner nodes, this should keep the precision of the Panner node up. If that doesn’t work there’s an option in the Material Parameters, under the Mobile Group called ‘Use Full Precision’ this will make the material more costly but uses more precise number types in the shader.

Just a suggestion, if you use the same parameters for the Panner nodes, you can scrap one and only use the remaining to drive both Texture Sample nodes, this makes the material a bit cheaper, about two instructions. So that’s not much, so it’s not that important, but will give you a better node graph.

Let me know if any of these suggestions work.



Hello! Turning on the “Use Full Precision” option helped me. Thanks for the help:))

I have faced same issue but with Stepping Panner time node , which basically does same as Panner Node

I just found this in unreal documentation after a week , If you can use stepping panner time node and tick the period option(period=100 worked for me) , It will be all good to go in android platform.

[check this out in unreal documentation ][1]

Thanks for your help