Hi guys. I have stubled upon a very wierd thing when i copy a BSP brush group, and make it longer. When i manipulate how far it streches along it’s z-aksis, the individual bsp brushes in the bsp brush group change position. It is easier to understand with pictures:
this is the bsps that i grouped together.
This is when they are copied (no problem yet)
This is when i manipulate it’s z-aksis in the brush settings. As you can see, the individuel bsp brushes in the group have changes their positions slightly, and now do no match with the other ones. This problem did not happen earlier when i did the same thing with the same bsp group. Perhaps i have too many bsp brushes in my level? (around 150 pieces) I have also noticed that the engine runs slower now, and simple things as transformation take 3-5 seconds to show. I know that bsp brushes are taxing on the system, but that shouldn’t explain why the brush changes.
Can someone please explain why this happens?