I have a fresh UE 5.1 installation and created a new, blank c++ project. When i now create a c++ class derived from AActor (or APawn, …) and put the class in the world, so that it appears in the outliner window and then save all, close the editor and start the editor again, this class is gone in the outliner window. I believe it is related to the point, that this class is also not present in the content browser after the restart until i start live coding. Then it appears in the content browser. Static Meshes, materials, … behave normal.
Is there something special i have to take care of, when working with c++ classes derived from AActor (or APawn, …)?
UE 5.1 and Visual Studio 2022, but i had the same behaviour with UE 5.0.3 and Visual Studio 2019.
I would be very grateful for any help.