Why do I get the message "libcurl_a.lib is missing for VS2012"?

When trying to package the game in shipping mode (Win32), this error will occur.

The reason for this is because \Engine\Source\ThirdParty\libcurl\lib\Win32 has no VS2012 directory.

Either wait for Epic to include a 32-bit libcurl for VS2012, or use VS2013 for the time being.

Try installing Visual Studio C++ express or pro 2013, then repackage and see if that fixes the problem

Well yes, that would fix the problem. But that doesnt fix the issue that it won’t compile if you use the VS2012 toolchain :wink: It’s a bug report.

@Tim Lincoln This was supposed to be a bug report, not a question! I know why I’m getting it, as I’ve answered it myself :stuck_out_tongue: Changed my initial question to a FAQ style instead.

Why: The reason for this is because \Engine\Source\ThirdParty\libcurl\lib\Win32 has no VS2012 directory.

Workaround: Either wait for Epic to include a 32-bit libcurl for VS2012, or use VS2013 for the time being.