Why do environmental lights run through my character ?

My FirstCharacterBP consists of a helmet with a glass front. When I switch to game mode, the environment lights go through the helmet from the back. However, the back of my helmet is closed (picture 1, 2 and 3).

I tried to include all my camera, but the problem persists (image 2 and 3).
I checked that the metal part of the helmet is composed of a single mesh, with all the verteces and edges connected to each other (there is no hole in the 3D).

Moreover, the glass receives the light only from the back, which creates a really not logical rendering (image 4 and 5). I know that this problem is directly related to the first problem.

I’ve tried many changes, but nothing works. I don’t understand it anymore. I no longer have any hope of resolving it, please I need the help of the community. (This is the first time I post a topic to help me, tell me if you need more information)

Thanks to the community

I think if you want to stop light coming in from the back of the helmet, you’ll need to put an unlit partial sphere ( or box ) around the back part


Or a whole sphere might be fine

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Ok, I’ll try it ! It’s strange that my helmet doesn’t do the job as your sphere.
But I didn’t actually try to cover it with an “Unlit object”, Thanks !

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You quite often have to do this kind of thing with light leaking under walls etc

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I tried your solution then I built, but unfortunately nothing changed

I tried with lots of shapes, nothing works.

In a fit of desperation, I even assigned the Unlit materials to my camera to see what would happen. And even then, absolutely nothing has changed Wtf :joy: :sob:

Is it possible that my camera settings are causing this problem (although they are very close to the original settings)?

Or maybe it’s because of my light setting? Many lights are in Volumetric Light, in stationary mode

Or maybe because of the settings of my First Character Blueprint?
I’m desperate
 I don’t understand anything

Can you upload the helmet as an FBX here? I’ll have a go :slight_smile:

So I put the player in a ‘tunnel’ with a point light directly behind

It looks like this

Unless I back right up on the light, then I can get

but that’s because the light is IN the helmet.

What am I missing? :slight_smile:

Are you just getting problems because you are literally walking right over lights? That will always give you light in the helmet.

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No, I’m not going into the lights. And it lights up from behind even when I’m very far from them.
For you, it works exactly as I hope
 I don’t understand my mistake.

can I see the parameters of your glass and helmet materials?

I use the “volumetric light” parameter to obtain this diffused light rendering. Is this why it bugs?

moreover I can’t get this distortion that you have.

I think I really need to see how you adjust your helmet and glass material settings. :worried:

Helmet is

Glass is

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Okay thank you so much ! I’m going to try that ! :pray:

Have you changed anything in the Detail panel ?
When I see your settings, I think the biggest problem in my GLASS Material must be here. Can I also see this panel?

PS : If my new tests still don’t work, I’m going to put my headset in a new scene, like you, to see if the problem persists on my side.

You need to make it translucent, and further down in the details ‘surface translucency volume’ ( not at a machine rn ).

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got it done. 4.26 for that matter. (still nice to work in. just looks alil different then 5.3.)


  • glass unlit so it receives no backlight. it is rendered without receiving shadows.
  • spotlight shadow bias gotta be lowered. so it does properly cast in the helmet. i downed it to .1 whithout messing up world shadow rendering.
  • i did seperate meshes for inside and outside. not sure what distance fields do.
  • the helmet needed a lil remodel. gotta avoid harsh edges or light will “bleed in”. basicly you gotta model a sphere. mathematical issue with the normals and specular, i reckon.

casque.zip (109.8 KB)

ambient lighting inside can be faked with skylight or whatever you wanna put in there.
unfortunately i dunno howto not have volumetric fog inside the helmet, rn.

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@ClockworkOcean I tried your solution in my scene, and unfortunately still doesn’t work
 We can see on the metal that my object receives the light from behind.
from front it’s good, from side it’s good, from back it’s really not good.

Not Good

So I tried in a new project, it works perfectly !.. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

We can see that there is no reflection on the metal from the back. We can even see the shadow of the helmet projected on the wall.

So I’m going to look for the SpotLights themselves. With all these tests, I now think that the problem comes directly from my light spots. :pensive:

PS : Even if I can’t yet figure out how to correct my problem, your help is much appreciated. You help me get closer and closer to the solution ! :man_superhero: :pray:

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OMG @glitchered ! :star_struck:
I am also working exactly on version 4.26 :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok, I think I understood everything ! Except perhaps this point : spotlight shadow bias gotta be lowered. so it does properly cast in the helmet. i downed it to .1 whithout messing up world shadow rendering.
I don’t see what and where it works in unreal

I also think I don’t know how to turn the Glass in Unlit, while keeping a clean result like yours

I’m going to remove the protruding edges from my helmet right away !

A big thank you to you ! It gives me courage ! :pray: :man_superhero: :muscle:

spot light shadow bias? it’s a kinda depth perception resolution for shadow mapping.

in this example the lamp is behind the player. a live tweak.

glad it worked on your end too. :+1:

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Okay, a big thanks to you @glitchered ! That’s exactly what I need ! :grinning:

Can I just see the parametres and nodes of your Glass material ?
I can’t make the Unlit Glass as beautiful as yours

pretty much the same as clockwork’s, just stripped to essentials. it’s a basic refractive glass. all the shader allows in unlit. unfortunately it doesn’t support any dirtmasking. but you can tint the glass and balance it with the opacity.

note: if you would want to have dirt or light influence on the outside of the glass you’d have to use a plane on the other side with a doublesided default lit material and base and opacity. this messes with the inside refraction tho. clean looks pretty good.

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Okay, this time it worked ! :tada: :tada:
And the lights don’t go through my helmet anymore by reducing the shadow bias :ok_hand:
I don’t have exactly the look I wanted. But it’s extremely cleaner !

I’m just trying to reduce the translucent node to get a less strong distortion effect (without success) and it will be perfect !
trying to reduce this effect ('cause I can’t see anything through my glass :sweat_smile:)
Capture d’écran (5480)

PS : A big thank you to these 2 heroes of the community @ClockworkOcean and @glitchered who have helped me enormously !

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