I also tried downloading the version of the SDK that Unreal Engine uses, but that didn't change anything.
I managed to get one achievement working, which I can also undo to get again, but as soon as I want to make it so I get another achievement it doesn’t work anymore.
This is my blueprint, the print string does fire, the achievements just don’t register:
I also had an issue where achievements wouldn’t show to unlock. However after rebooting the application it would show as my latest achievement unlocked. I fixed it by queueing achievements and unlock them 1 by 1, making sure the subsystem was available to unlock an achievement (in code). Not sure if this is caused by a similar thing but it might help…
I’ll assume you set everything up correctly since some are working. If you only try to unlock the ones that do not unlock now, does that work? Maybe steam will only handle 10 unlocks at 1 time (just a theory)
If you shift tab you can also see the number of achievements unlocked (e.g. 10/16 achievements). Could you confirm this is at 0 when you try to unlock them? If so, I have no idea what is wrong.
The default app ID works fine for me as well, so that is weird.
I have been able to reproduce it in a clean project.
I have to send you my .ini file, I rather not have it public.
2.5. This is the blueprint for it, the array contains the achievement names, it doesn’t matter if just fill in the names manually instead of use an array for them, both work won’t:
What happens if you just write one achievement per key press instead of attempting to write all of them in one function? I have a feeling that the issue could lie in attempting to unlock multiple achievements at once.
Try splitting this up into a few different key presses and see if you still experience the same error.
Here is an empty project with the achievement system, if you play as a standalone game and press k you should get an achievement, but if you set it to one of the above mentioned values which don’t work nothing happens even though the success pin fires:
The achievement blueprints are in the characterbp.
I’ve attempted to test this using the project you provided, but I’m not seeing any achievements get granted. All I see is the message being printed to the screen, and this is working regardless of which achievement ID I use. However, I never actually get the Steam popup that shows an achievement is unlocked. Is this expected? Is there something I may be overlooking when testing this?
In my tests, the message was printed to the screen regardless of which achievement I used. Is this the expected behavior? It seems like they’re successfully getting written based on the fact that they are printing the achievement name to the screen. However, since the steam overlay is not appearing I’m unable to see if they are actually being unlocked or not. Is this expected in your project as well? Are you seeing the overlay on your end?