why cant i use PURE_VIRTUAL code in c++

im following a tutorial on how to make a inventory in c++ and in the tutorial he used a code of ‘PURE_VIRTUAL’ and it worked but when I use it it doesn’t seem to work. although it can make sense that Im using unreal engine 5 and he is using unreal engine 4.but idk

this is where I’m stuck in the video

this is what i have coded. when i hover over the code, it says "Cannot resolve symbol ‘PromptForRemoteDebbuging’

I have never heard of this. try one of the following:

virtual void DoStuff(bool bSomeParameter)  = 0;


virtual void DoStuff(bool bSomeParameter)  {};

Never heard of that either. Pure virtual functions are as Roy outlined above:

Pure Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes in C++ - GeeksforGeeks