Why Can't I Use My 16384 x 16384 Texture Files?


I am trying to import large 3D virtual worlds captured using high resolution aerial scans, which generate high resolution texture files (1638416384; 3276832768). However, UE4 only allows texture files up to 8192*8192 resolution, which is a serious downgrade to the imagery originally captured.

Is there any way to bypass this and allow larger texture files to be imported? Or is it a matter of waiting for the software environment to catch up, maybe permitted within UE5?

Many thanks in advance,

Probably not or else you edit RHI. This limitation probably comes to keep compatibility with DX10 which DX11 RHI is backward compatible with, so yes maybe in UE5 where they most likely complitly cut DX10 support.

You can do this with virtual textures! Those work even on mobile, but require some slight setup. The basic UE Documentation page should get you started. If you still have any questions, let me know.