Why can't I make my character crouch?

Here is my functions and the playerinputcomponent

 void AHero::StartCrouch()

void AHero::StopCrouch()

	// Sets up "crouch' binding
	PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Crouch", IE_Pressed, this, &AHero::StartCrouch);
	PlayerInputComponent->BindAction("Crouch", IE_Released, this, &AHero::StopCrouch);

Below is my .h file declarations

	// Handles the "crouch" binding
	void StartCrouch();

	void StopCrouch();

I don’t know why it isn’t working to be honest. Any solutions?

Thanks! It works!

But is there anyway I can make the crouch button toggle-able? Meaning can I press the button and not need to hold the button to keep crouching?

Put this in the constructor: GetCharacterMovement()->NavAgentProps.bCanCrouch = true;

and on StartCrouch function make sure you call the Crouch(); function.

Sure. To do that, you have to call this code in the event when the Crouch button is pressed:

GetCharacterMovement()->IsCrouching() ? UnCrouch() : Crouch();