Oh, I misunderstood. So you are able to open your project normally in the Editor, it is only when you click Launch in the Editor that you run into problems? Are you able to play the game in editor or in a standalone window?
Seams, in your Google Drive directory can exists files of autoindexer that can’t be properly deleted( due they used in another program). So, when UBT trying to clean up stagged folder, it can’t delete file, that already used somewhere. And it fails. Try transport you project folder into more… reliable directory, Documents/UnrealProjects for example. Also, try run editor with administrator priveleges.
P.S. Using Google Drive as CVS is not good idea. Better choise - Git. UE4 already have unoffical GitSourceControl plugin. Works great.
Thanks Signa,
I tried moving my project to another “closer” folder, sadly it did not work either.
It seems like my content has something that does not fit in.
When I created a new project in the same new folder, it was working.
I will give it another shot tomorrow and see what happens!
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