I have a very simple class that extends the UUserWidget class. I have a MediaPlayer variable that I’m trying to reference in my C++ class. I’ve created the UPROPERTY with meta = (BindWidget) so that it will grab a reverence to it.
In my cpp file I have the following code.
#include “ELVideoWidget.h”
#include “MediaPlayer.h”
#include “Components/Button.h”
void UELVideoWidget::NativeConstruct()
MediaPlayer->OpenFile(FString(TEXT("G:/My Drive/_Video/examplevideo.mp4")));
When I compile in the editor I get the following error.
Cannot open include file: "MediaPlayer.h' : No such file or director
I’ve also tried “Runtime/MediaAssets/Public/MediaPlayer.h” and other variations of this file path and I get the same results.