Why can't I hit multiple actors by channel, but can by object?

I have been trying to hit multiple actors with a ‘MultiSphereTraceByChannel’ for a while now, and have had no luck. I have watched a few tutorials and it is my understanding that I need to set my trace channel (Camera or Visibility) to Overlap within the actors BP that I want to hit. That is to say, if the BP has Block check marked for the Camera trace channel, once it is hit, anything behind it will not be hit by that trace channel. Overlap on the other hand would allow the trace channel to go through it until it ends or hits something that will Block it.

My problem is that setting up Camera and/or Visibility to overlap in the actors BP (the actor I am firing at), gives me 0 hit results. Only when I have the trace channel set to Block can I get a hit back.

Just now, I set up a ‘MultiSphereTraceByObjects’ and all actors were hit by 1 trace without any issue what so ever. What am I doing wrong with the Channel?

you can do so by overlapping
you must say a line trace to overlap with actors not hit and block

That is exactly what I have in my actors BP who I want to hit.



it must be working as you wish.

however, you can find the answer here

It definitely isn’t working. That is what has me so confused. When I use the settings I posted above I get 0 hits. When I change it to Block, I only get the 1 hit that is Blocked.

I actually changed the ‘MultiSphereTraceByChannel’ to ‘MultiSphereTraceByObjects’ and it works as it should.