Why can't I find NormalizedAnglesToDegrees in Dynamic input?

Help! I was trying to set Sprite Rotation Angle to “Normalized Angles To Degrees” in a Niagara emitter following a UE4 official tutorial, but this “Normalized Angles To Degrees” was not there for me to choose. I have set Sprite Rotation Mode to “Direct Normalized Angle(0-1)”, and I have located the file “NormalizedAngleToDegrees.uasset” in my Unreal folder, so I am really confused right now. Why can’t I find it? Is it a meta issue? BTW, my Unreal version is 4.27.2.



Epic have changed the way that piece works since the tutorial was filmed.

Now you have to choose ‘Angle conversion’


Thank you very much, I think I got what I wanted now!

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