So I’m starting to dissect the Shooter Game 4.1.
In Unreal Editor, I clicked on Compile (main toolbar) and it starts to compile the C++ code, then stops with the following error:
Info Warning: Was not able to delete temporary file created by Unreal Build Tool: C:\Users\Jak_Carver\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp9CCB.tmp.bat
Info Parsing headers for ShooterGame
Info ERROR: 'F:/UDK_Games/Shooter Game 4.1/Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/ShooterGame/BTTask_FindPickup.generated.h': Changes to generated code are not allowed - conflicts written to 'F:/UDK_Games/Shooter Game 4.1/Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/ShooterGame/BTTask_FindPickup.generated.h.conflict'
Info Error: Failed to generate code for ShooterGame - error code: 4
Info ERROR: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'ShooterGame' (platform: Win64, module info: F:\UDK_Games\Shooter Game 4.1\Intermediate\Build\Win64\ShooterGame\Development\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest).
Trying to get familiar with the game example, so not sure what the error means or what’s causing it, let alone how to fix it. If anyone has the answer, would greatly appreciate it- thanks!