Why aren't Metasounds parameters working?

I’ve tried lots of different setups, the sound will always play but it will never use the parameter I set in blueprints

May be a long shot, but I think it has to be an input to set the wave parameter.


This is my own basic music only setup.
I was kinda unsure about how parameter changing worked in metasounds until I made this change.

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In addition to @Sononeo’s reply, you must start your MetaSound before you can use the Set Parameter functions. Have a look at my setup in this post, and see if that helps: Setting Metasounds Variable - #48 by ebuch

In that setup, I’m playing a MetaSound and using the handle to the audio component to change the inputs once the sound is active. I’m using Quartz in that setup, but you can just use the regular Play function.


Thank you, it’s working now!

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