Why are there no tutorials for making a dialogue in C++?

I’m studying a master’s degree for videogames and I have a degree in computer science… i’ve been programming for some time atm… but I’m quite new to C++ programming in ue4.
For my classes I have to create a kind of dialogue system with response form the player. In another subjet i’ve already done this, with blueprints, pretty neat result, so I though this wouldn’t be so hard… oh boy I was wrong.
So anyway… I usually start looking up in forums (like this one) for solutions for my problems, we all know how this works, however, for this proyect I’m on, I’m having a lot of trouble finding the answers to my questions, all the dialogues are done either with blueprints or with plugins.
Why is this? Is there any specific reasons for NOT using c++ for this? I have to do it, not beacause I want to, but beacause I have to pass the subject, am I doomed?
I just want to create an ActorComponent that when you place it on an Actor, the Actor becomes a chattable NPC, I don’t understand why this would be such a problem for C++ (once again, I’m far from being an expert in this matter)

Just recreate what you have in BP, but in c++ ?

If you hover over BP nodes, it will generally tell you what cpp class the node uses. If it’s a standard class, you can pretty much use the same function that’s names the same as the node. If it’s a Kismet library, it’s a bit more complicated, but you can go to the cpp file and see what it does.

Are dialogue BP too complex?

Thas what I’ve been trying but failed.
I don’t know if I understand what you say about hovering, for example…
This is what I see when i hover over this node:
I guess I can understand what you say with other nodes like this one:
But most of the time when i hover the node i get something like the first image and not the second.
(The blueprint nodes are in a blueprint oriented proyect, I don’t know if that affects to what you are trying to explain to me)

Well yes, those are your custom structs and events. I meant the functions that already exist in the engine. Like play sound, set visibility of text, create widgets etc.

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