I have been trying to get my vr hands to have procedural animations but for some reason they have broken. I have been getting these errors: Imgur: The magic of the Internet and when I try to grab anything in my game I get this: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is the event graph on my handanim: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is the HandAnimations graph: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is the object (state) graph inside of the HandAnimations: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
This is my VRPawn event graph: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
If someone could please review this and tell me where I went wrong or made a mistake that would be great (it would be even better if you told me how to fix it but I will take what I can get lol)
So the errors are saying that its trying to get the right and left hand anim component and it can access the handstate. I might I have some fixes but idk if any of them will work but, you are doing the animation stuff kinda weird so basicly one way to do it is make the animation enum in the VRpawn, then when I grip for example it will set that enum. What you are trying to do is casting the vr anim BP inside the vrpawn the getting a variable for it inside the vrpawn then bringing that variable back into the hand anim BP again. So your not really referencing nothing with the “left/right hand anim” variables. So instead make the enum inside of the VRpawn and set them in there then inside of the anim bp do like if the enum is grip the play the anim (set the enum in the bp). This might be confusing im trying to explain as well as possible for even myself to understand so if this doesnt work then I would have to looking deeper into it.
I am so sorry but I am so confused
lol it good a I figured I didnt really explain it well. So on your inputs in your handBP like when you grab you have pressed and released, on pressed try putting the enum there for what ever it is like grip or trigger etc. After that inside the anim BP do a on switch enum I think its called and once the enum is set or whatever play the hand animation you want.
I managed to fix it. Thank you for all of your help!