Why are my spotlights not showing properly?

Hi, I’m working on a project and my aim is to make the scene in (Image 1) look like the scene in Soul (Image 2). Unfortunately, I have been struggling with the lighting for a few weeks now and need some help.
The spotlights for some reason only show the light casted on the floor? (without the beam of light from the source)
How would I fix this? and Any ideas on how to make my scene look like image 2?

Image 1:

Image 2:

Thanks Everynone. I had looked at this previously, but it doesn’t explain how to get the dark scene.
Any ideas?

Thank you soo much!! I now have the spotlights appearing as they should. I know right, great movie.

Have a look here:

Seems to be close enough to what you need.

I closed off the roof, removed directional light and rebuilt light.

A great movie, btw :slight_smile: