Why are my shadows disappearing?

When I render a scene using Movie Render Queue, distance to an object removes its shadows.

This is with the camera close to the object:

Now when I move the camera away only a little bit, it turns into this:

I have already tried increase the bounds and all console commands that I could find in different threads, none seem to help.

It looks like the bus geometry is completely ignored when I am at a distance (even though that distance is like 300 ingame units)

Are you using RT shadows, Shadow Maps, or VSMs? Does this only happen in MRQ? Can you try and disable Game Overrides in MRQ?

In unreal 5.4 I created some meshes using modeling tool(mostly cubes). For some reason some of those meshes (could be a simple box or a created Boolean mesh) were not showing on lumen debug display. Some rooms were light because of those “walls”. Most meshes did create those distance fields but few did not(they did but they were 0.0 MB or something). The meshes reappeared in lumen after I enabled nanite for them and rooms were dark as they should. You could check some of those debug views.

I was using VSM in movie render queue and did game override.
Nothing was working. Using RT Shadows fixed the problem.

Seems like VSM shadows get culled at a distance of 100 units.

RT shadows have far culling as well just FYI. But yeah VSMs can normally be fixed by disabling r.Shadow.Virtual.UseFarShadowCulling.

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