Why are my shadows dancing?

The shadows on my cat character are throwing all sorts of weird artifacts and colors and I can’t figure out why. All of my other shadows seem just fine aside from a bit of speckles on the shady sides of the mountains. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

Here’s a video of it:

Does it actually happen ‘in game’?

Yes but I managed to solve the issue on my own thankfully.

In Global Post Processing under Ray Tracing Global Illumination, I had Type / Final Gather selected. I must have been doing A/B tests and forget to uncheck it. Nothing changed in my scene other than the bad shadows on my cat and some of the noise in the mountains.

In Global Post Processing under Ray Tracing Global Illumination, I had Type / Final Gather selected. I must have been doing A/B tests and forget to uncheck it. Nothing changed in my scene other than the bad shadows on my cat and some of the noise in the mountains.