Why are Actors not showing up in the viewport but are in the scene outliner?

Actors are showing up on the scene outliner, but are not displaying visually in the editor. Any steps to resolve?

Hey AnthonyDreessen-

It may be that the actor is simply hidden at the moment. Check the eye icon next to the name in the scene outliner and make sure that it is open rather than closed.

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I was having kind of a similar problem, but my actor was not displaying only when clicking Play or Simulate. The option “Actor Hidden In Game” under Rendering was on, just had to turn it off and it appeared. Hope it helps someone with the same problem.

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I’m running into the same issue. I have already tried setting the SpawnCollisionHandling to AlwaysSpawn, Ignore Collisions, Checked that the objects are visible. Similar to the question, I can drag an object (literally an Actor blueprint with a cube added to it) into the scene and it appears just fine. The objects do appear in the World Outliner and are selectable, but the cubes are not appearing in the scene.

I had a Similar issue. in the Viewport options “Game Mode” was on.
The shortcut for it was G by default.


Same problem.

It was appearing only during PLAY. And the outliner was showing it and it was not with the “eye” closed.

I solved it by checking and unchecking the"hidden in game" option under rendering.

For those of you who have this problem after a level build, or after porting from unreal engine 4x to 5x, I have found the solution. This is a bug, as far as I am concerned, and has not been reported, as far as I know.

Simply open the actor/blueprint that is not showing in the editor viewport, select “actor hidden in game” toggle it on then off again and save the actor.

Still having the issue, when i toggle the hidden in game, it does show up again, but as soon as i try to move the object in the editor it disappears again.

i have exactly the same problem here !
Does someone have a solution or is it a bug?
Is there an other way to build a complex actor from different static mesh?

I have same problem and reported as a bug, i hope the resolve this issue.

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I am also having this problem, but the actor is not hidden in outliner. For me I think it’s related to world partitioning.

Okay found a way:
I. Search for “part” in the world settings of your level
II. Reset the “Default World Partition Settings”
III. ENABLE Streaming
IV. Click “No” when asked to load documentation
V. Disable Streaming again

=> Suddenly 20 assets I have totally forgotten about showed up in my scene outliner crowding my scene, LOL

I had this issue with one of my pieces where when opened it was perfect but when dragged into the level it was invisible… I ended up re-exporting and re-importing the piece and then redoing its LODs. This fixed my issue somehow… I hope this helps someone else.

Check option “Is Editor Only Actor” in the Object Details.
It is automatically checked when you, for example, do Gathering Static Meshes into instances.