Why all dataflow node in panel cloth editor become banned suddenly after i call my bp function library which is used to draw the chaos cloth asset in eventgraph

The panel cloth editor looks as below:

And i can’t change the status of dataflow node to enabled

It seems like the FChaosClothAssetTerminalNode is missing registered . However, this step has been executed by chaoscloth asset. The log as below:

Ensure condition failed: false [File:C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Dataflow\Core\Private\Dataflow\DataflowGraph.cpp] [Line: 313] 
Error: Missing registered node type (FChaosClothAssetTerminalNode) will be removed from graph on load. Graph will fail to evaluate due to missing node (None).
[2023-12-17T14:45:00.563Z]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: false [File:C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Dataflow\Core\Private\Dataflow\DataflowGraph.cpp] [Line: 313] 
Error: Missing registered node type (FChaosClothAssetTerminalNode) will be removed from graph on load. Graph will fail to evaluate due to missing node (None).

Does anyone have idea? Look for some help~

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Chiming in because I encountered this error when packaging. I had made changes to my .uproject file and accidentally removed the entry:

			"Name": "ChaosClothAssetEditor",
			"Enabled": true

This resulted in the same error and disabled dataflow graph nodes. The solution is to simply re-enable the Chaos Cloth Asset Editor plugin.