Why AActor or AVolume classes from my plugin doesn't visible in editor class viewer?

I just made test plugin which is based on BlankPlugin, UObjectPlugin, CableComponent samples and it’s looks like successfully loaded in plugin manager, but I can’t find any classes from plugin in ClassBrowser or on ModesTab.

Declaration of my classes:

#pragma once
#include "BlankPlugin2Object.generated.h"

 * Example UStruct declared in a plugin module
struct FBlankPlugin2Struct
  FString TestString;

 * Example of declaring a UObject in a plugin module
class ABlankPlugin2Object : public AActor



  FBlankPlugin2Struct MyStruct;


#pragma once
#include "PlanetoidNavMeshVolume.generated.h"

class APlanetoidNavMeshVolume : public AVolume
  // Begin AActor Interface
  virtual void PostInitializeComponents() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void ReregisterAllComponents() OVERRIDE;
  // End AActor Interface
  // Begin UObject Interface
  virtual void PostEditChangeProperty( struct FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent) OVERRIDE;
  // End UObject Interface
#endif // WITH_EDITOR

It’s looks like I forgot to register my classes somewhere or something like that, but I have no idea where.

Also here is My Plugin Full Source Code

I experience some weird problem with AVolume derived classes inside plugin as well… Exactly whenever i enable plugin that has AVolume based class it crashes engine during loading then…

Checked if it’s exactly AVolume - it is. Replaced with ABrush - it worked, but crashed later, when i tried to place the box. Tried APhysicsVolume - same as AVolume, as it’s AVolume derived class itself.

Regarding your situation, you initialize ANavMeshBoundsVolume inside PlanetoidNavMeshVolume.cpp

ok, if AVolume and ABrush is buggy - that about AActor? - in my case ABlankPlugin2Object also doesn’t available in editor classes view

what I have to add to current PlanetoidNavMeshVolume.cpp implementation (from blankplugin2.zip)?

CableComponent has AActor class which I able to see in editor class viewer, why in my case AActor (ABlankPlugin2Object) didn’t available in editor?

oh, thank - I guess I little tired, that doesn’t not notice about it

I had fix this (attachment archive updated also), but anyway I can’t see those classes in class view

Check my answer below, you don’t have constructor code for your class, so there’s no actor available in the editor.

You should change ANavMeshBoundsVolume to APlanetoidNavMeshVolume inside PlanetoidNavMeshVolume.cpp

To place these actors you most likely have to open “Class view” window and search for these actors.

Well, no idea then… Are you sure you enabled this plugin in plugin manager?

yep, here is a Screenshot

Can’t check sorry… Your plugin crashes engine as well… Using main branch as for 05.15.14 IIRC…

Try disabling filters in class view, see if it helps.

thanks, filters disabled already.

I use 4.1.1

I just retested this on 4.2 and situation still same