Who do you have an imported image not repeat itself?

I have an image that I imported into unreal and I am trying to use it as a texture. When ever I put it on an object like a box it repeats itself within the squares. I also tried using a sphere but the image just tries rounding even though I have the z set to 0. If anyone could help me out or give me a better Idea please do.

you need to change the texture coordinate nodes in the material (node with the same name)
Or you need to redo the mesh its uv’s to align with the texture.
also, it helps if you make the image seamless in a program like photoshop.

It also helps if you show us an image of the problem, your description is quite vague, and we arent all magicians :stuck_out_tongue:

I am also a beginner and I do not understand all of the nodes to images like what things to attach where.

I actually figured it out. If anyone else has a similar issue let me know.

I already explained/solved the issue, and instead of saying "let me know"why not share that information so people dont need to take the extra step to solve it.

Sorry, like I said I am all knew to this sort of thing but thank you for all the help I really appreciate it. So what I did was I brought the image into unreal by importing it. After I imported it I right clicked and created the material. Once I created the material I clicked on it and all of the code comes up. If you search “noise” the noise node will come in. Drag it in, and then connect the the second two texture samples into the position and filter width. After that connect the last noise node line to the name “normal” located under the name column. After that you will see you image positioned correctly on your shapes.