Looks like an occlusion culling problem. If you move the camera so an object is hidden by another object and then quickly unhidden, you will notice a bright flash where the objects intersect. Video of problem below. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I’m using Unreal Engine 4.27.2. Thanks so much!
Disabling “Occlusion Culling” in project settings does fix the issue, however, that’s not a solution since occlusion culling is needed elsewhere in the game. Is there a way to disable occlusion culling while within a volume?
Try increasing the bounds of the problem objects so they are rendered sooner.
Thanks for the reply! I did try that method but in my case it did not prevent the flashes during fast movement. However, I was able to use a trigger box to temporarily disable Occlusion Culling with a console command (allowing Frustrum Culling to continue working), and that does work great! Another option that should work is to use the Merge Actors tool to merge the offending objects into one so they cannot occlude one another. But since my level is still under construction, I’m not ready to start merging stuff together, and this trigger box workaround seems to be a nice solution. I made a video demonstrating the technique below.
EDIT: I’ve also added the console command to enable Occlusion Culling in the Game Mode on Begin Play, just in case you don’t exit the trigger volume before cancelling a play session:
It can also help to make the background/skybox black in some scenes so when it does happen it isn’t as jarring.
Thanks for that tip! Yeah, that’s probably why I didn’t notice the issue in the demo level using those same assets, because it was set up like a dark underground scene. For the level I’m building though, it’s primarily a daytime area with only some dark chambers or semi-dark interiors that can be entered so hence the use of a bright background.