Amd (with rtx 3050ti 80w)
İntel i5-11400h (with rtx 3050ti 60w)
Which choose is better for ue4 and 3d models rendering?
Hey there @anonymous_user_12ba053d. Technically the Ryzen has more cores, more threads, so if you need to do work on more threads more frequently the Ryzen might be the move since if you can utilize more cores you can get more use out of it. That said, the intel processor has less cores/threads but more power each individually, which I’d recommend over the Ryzen in many cases as not everything is cleanly multithreaded. Neither of these processors will bottleneck you for UE4 unless you go wild with your work.
Is this laptop hardware? If so you might be quite disappointed compared to their Desktop versions.
I’m not mistaken, multicore power is important for game engines but I’m not sure cuz I haven’t enough knowledge for pc equipments. İf this right probably I’ll choose AMD Ryzen.
Alright, which processor is better for 3d model rendering? (normal quality)
I need a laptop for many reasons. But I think this laptops are enough for beginner. Actually I want develop mobile games but pc games are more fun so I want learn develop pc game too (not big budget games. Only a few indie games)
Rendering is a process both the CPU and GPU do but for most things you use the GPU for performance reasons. More cores on the CPU does not equal extra performance as the engine and code actually need to use those cores which they don’t if you get a 30 core CPU. In general a quad or octacore with 4+ Ghz per core is just OK. Mind that laptop hardware performs worse than desktop hardware. Laptops just heat up to the point they throttle the CPU and GPU to attempt to maintain a reasonable temperature, which actually means they run on low speed constantly while heating up like the center of the sun. As an investment it is not worth it. Also worth mentioning that laptop parts are not made to be replaced, these days they even solder the RAM to the board and d*mn they make sure that they don’t solder enough on it.
What you could consider, (cause you need a laptop for many reasons) is to invest in a high end PC (1500 euros)for development which you can control remotely from a low-end laptop (say 300 euros quadcore + 8GB RAM+ good internet + Parsec for remote). Then you get the best of both worlds. Reason I name Parsec for remote is that it performs better than RDP and Teamviewer on apps like UE and Blender and it has better support for your HID (keyboard) devices. Parsec does perform best on cable but if you can manage to get high speed internet from wireless then you can stream Parsec in 1080p with no lag or connection problems. It’s not recommended to do remote on a mobile connection if you pay for the MBs but you might if you get an unlimited MB package. Else just go cable with it.
Oh we’re talking about laptops I just read the processors specs, they are definitely going to struggle on even higher end laptops due to the nature of the engine. Especially if you are trying to do high end rendering. Rendering video/heavy scenes is probably the most clear cut situation for a desktop. To say the minimum I have a mid tier PC and I even struggle with heavy scenes and rendering video. Laptops will be just make this whole deal way less convenient for you, while it may be portable, the drawbacks is that like Roy noted, the laptop variants of these processors and GPUs are not capable of their desktop counterpart’s abilities.
Actually, I don’t have any dreams of developing large-scale 3d games with heavy scenes. I will develop simple 3d (probably a little more focused on 2d game development for computer) computer games. As I said before, my main target platform is mobile, but I wanted to make a few small games at least in ue4 since pc games also caught my interest. I do not know about game development anyway. I will buy this laptop to learn game development. ie to learn software language and understand game engine usage. it will probably take me 1.5-2 years to fully learn them anyway, and this laptop is enough to handle me for about 3 years. I think this laptop is enough for use 3 years, the only thing I’m curious about is which processor I should choose. I’m also writing on 2 laptops that I’m stuck between below.
1-) Asus tuf gaming f15;
Processor : i5-11400h (2,7 GHz) x6 cores
Graphic Card : Rtx 3050ti (60+15w) 4gb vram
Ram : 16 (1x16) 3200 MHz DDR4
2-) Asus ROG strix g15;
Processor: (2,9 GHz) x8 cores
Graphic Card : Rtx 3050ti (80+15w) 4gb vram
Ram : 16 (2x8) 3200 MHz DDR4
I’ll definitely do it (thanks for recommend)
But I still can’t choose which processor is better. Amd or Intel? (For game engines, 3d model creator programs etc.)
I highly doubt this has any performance benefits. You’d just miss the latest patches and features.
I stick with intel in general
Ah thanks for explaining that is certainly interesting. I was not aware that 4.18 runs better on older hardware. I’d be most worried about the marketplace version because people on 4.26/.27 wouldn’t just downgrade to .18. Also, UE5 again changed hardware requirements, most importantly dropped 32 bit support just like some marketplaces (like PlayStore) do.
unfortunately, it is not a good choice to save money by Turkish standards. If you put the same amount of Turkish lira into your piggy bank every month in Turkey, you will realize that you have more worthless money every month than the month before. That’s when you realize how big the inflation and the economic crisis are.
Can the 2000 series seriously do a better job than the 3000 series? I know it has 2gb more vram than the 3050 ti, but isn’t it strange that there is no advantage to having a newer graphics card anyway? I will also look into laptops with 2060. Thanks for recommend.
I thought this was a UE5 only issue or it got even worse. Does not happen on Win10 with GTX 1070 and UE4.26/27
On rtx cards, getting that error means you have a bad card which is crashing out.
9/10 is due to overheating.
Asus cards are the absolute worse when it comes to that.
Its one of the companies which during a silicon shortage went with: “hey lets skip QA alltogether! Make more money on stuff we sell for $2.5k yay!”
I replaced 4 3090s and 2 3080s in the past year. Safe to say, won’t be buing anything Asus anymore if i can help it.
Anyway, RMA your card if you can.
If not, then its trash.
If its trash, you may as-well take it apart, buy a custom water block, install it, and try running it as watercooled.
Chances are you’ll find a glove tip or some other stuff between the logic board and the cooling pad if you bought Asus
If not, and the water cooling doesnt help, then the constant heat has degraded the circuitry too much. You have yourself a nice little brick.
Note that any UE4 game will also crash the card, so all its good for, if even, is mining at that point.
In the case of a 10x series, its not even worth attempting the water block.
Toss it and get a 30x version.
Thats nothing new.
I got that board on launch, was happy with it somwaht, it had its issues.
Had to return it and settle for the gaming equivalent which literally has Velcro on it.
A $400 mobo. With velcro built in.
If you think that’s cool maybe you can go work for asus product design
Re asus support. They are the worse.
Considering how much money I gave them, had i done the same with EVGA id be treated like a company founder…
Initially, I had to have nvidia diagnose the gfx issues because asus support refused to.
To “make it right”, they replaced the card(s) except no cards were avaliable for 3 months.
After that, since I have several cards all I say is:
I swapped to the one with this serial, and everything works.
Because they are the exact same card models they usually don’t question it and accept the RMA.
I can see people without multiple identical cards having issues getting assus support to even listen.
However this isnt really a processor issue anymore.
On that specifically, intel i9 12th gen is Ok. I mean, its fast.
The probelm is the RAM.
12th gen ram is like all entry ram - new = not tuned = expensive trash.
If you get a board that supports ddr4 and ddr5 you can get much better performance with ddr4 tuned blocks…
These days you can’t buy a DDR3 mobo in the netherlands. I’d have sticked with the old I7 4790K series but I can’t because the new mobos don’t use that socket and they also do not support DDR3. Forced me to do a full upgrade. Intel processors haven’t improved much over the past years.
Well, they have in the sense that an i9 is comparanle to the fastest AMD.
The thing is, unless you do cpu intensive things, its useless.
And there isn’t much that still happens just on a cpu either…
if budget is a concern, i5-11400H with RTX 3050Ti 60W can still deliver good performance at a lower price. However, I recommend to go to Ryzen 9 5900HX because it will be stronger. or you can visit to have many good applications to help in laptop