Hello I´m a newbie using Unreal Engine.
I have two different GPU´s installed on my pc. How can I tell wich one of them is being used, or is UE using both.
Both GPU´s are different models: NVidia 1070ti & NVidia 1050ti.
Thanks in Advanced
Hello I´m a newbie using Unreal Engine.
I have two different GPU´s installed on my pc. How can I tell wich one of them is being used, or is UE using both.
Both GPU´s are different models: NVidia 1070ti & NVidia 1050ti.
Thanks in Advanced
To check which GPU an application is using, open the Task Manager and enable the “GPU Engine” column on the Processes pane. You’ll then see which GPU number an application is using. You can view which GPU is associated with which number from the Performance tab
I assume you know at least a little bit about SLI, it’s possible that rendering duties are automatically shared between the two as a result, but I think this should point you in the right direction.
Thanks for your response Zheak. The current gpu´s I have are not SLI based. I´ve a made a quick test (I have assumed when it started baking), that the process would be in charge of the gpu´s, but it instead it was all by the cpu´s.
I know this kind of questions may sound awkward but I just startet to learn UE.
Nono, that’s ok!
Glad you were able to figure it out!
Its not working. There are only “GPU” and “GPU Model” but none of them shows entries for “UE4Editor”.