r.CapsuleIndirectConeAngle Light source angle used when the indirect shadow direction is derived from precomputed indirect lighting (no stationary skylight present). Default Value: 0.392699
r.CapsuleIndirectShadowMinVisibility Minimum visibility caused by capsule indirect shadows. This is used to keep the indirect shadows from going fully black. Default Value: 0.1
r.CapsuleMaxDirectOcclusionDistance Maximum cast distance for direct shadows from capsules. �This has a big impact on performance. Default Value: 400
r.CapsuleMaxIndirectOcclusionDistance Maximum cast distance for indirect shadows from capsules. This has a big impact on performance. Default Value: 200
r.CapsuleShadowFadeAngleFromVertical Angle from vertical up to start fading out the indirect shadow, to avoid self shadowing artifacts. Default Value: 1.047198
r.CapsuleShadows Whether to allow capsule shadowing on skinned components with bCastCapsuleDirectShadow or bCastCapsuleIndirectShadow enabled.How can i do to enable it?
r.CapsuleShadowsFullResolution Whether to compute capsule shadows at full resolution. Disabled by Default.
r.CapsuleSkyAngleScale Scales the light source angle derived from the precomputed unoccluded sky vector (stationary skylight present) Default Value: 0.6