I’m trying to store those settings: r.TemporalAACurrentFrameWeight 0.25
r.TemporalAASamples 4
r.Tonemapper.Sharpen 1
I tried to store those settings in almost every .ini files (both in the project folder and engine folder) but none of those are working, I have to enter them manualy each time I open my project to make them effective. What am I doing wrong?
Nobody knows !?
You can create custom “Settings” UObjects for anything. These objects register their properties in ini files that you see.
Search engine source for “config = Game” for examples.
Thanks for your help and sorry but can you elaborate more please? I don’t have any knowledge in engine coding.
I thought those settings could be stored in a config file.
Something like this
It’s even more cryptic than your first answer.
All I want to know is in which of all this .ini files I have to store those command lines, to make them active “per project” and in the editor.
Welcome to Unreal Engine environment. Everything is cryptic, everything is overly complicated for no good reason. Sorry, I don’t have an answer for you. I’m just here dumping some frustration.