The situation is this. Game loads and the player can setup loadout, character skin, and so on. It saves to a save game and also sets variables in player controller and in pawn BP. Player can then join a server but none of the info they set with there loadout is saved or passed. I’ve tried to save info in every class of BP. I tried to get info when player controller loads on post long in but nothing. I’ve tried on level load to get save game and load it from 0 player controller in level BP and nothing. Game Instance only works for host. Player instance in cleared on server travel. Seamless travel doesn’t work with server travel. Please tell me where to put the info for each client player to load when server travel happends to new map. PLEASE!!! Im using 4.8 is. Is this fixed in new versions?
My man- don’t panic. Save your variables in the game instance, then when you travel to a game, pass the variables to your player state. Make sure they’re replication. The server has everyones player state.
So main menu, I save Mo as player name in game instance. I travel to server, and set player name in player state to Mo, that way the server knows, and can tell everyone else.
So when you are local, save to game instance, then when you travel, send variables from game instance, to player state.
Why do you use save game for that? Save game is for saving game state, obviously it will be overrided by replicated server game state when you join some game. This kind of stuff should be stored in ini configuration stuff. In UE4 whole class state (but only varables marked with “Config” specifier, you cna od that also in blueprint) can be saved in ini config files, and oyu do that with SaveConfig() and load it with LoadConfig(), engine also automaticly loads when object is created. Problem is there no way to manually save or load configuration in blueprints, you need to experiment. Also note that configuration files are loaded to memory once and updated if needed together with state in memoery when engine starts, so if you manually edit ini files you need to restart the editor (or call LoadConfig()?)
this does not require replication, just make weapon selection UI to select proper weapons. Or else you really want server to know user loadouts.