Where to put Blueprint code for a menu driven game?


I have built a game that is mostly UMG widget menu driven with occasional cut scenes in a 3d level. I put all of the game menu logic in the level Blueprint, but am realizing this doesn’t seem ideal because it can’t be used on other levels (which I always knew and didn’t originally intend for other levels) and because updates to the game logic code would be on the largest asset of the game, which I assume would require users to download gigabytes of data per update.

Before I begin any work on transferring my spaghetti mess off the level Blueprint, I was hoping for some perspectives on the best place for this code to live. Should it be on the game mode? Game state? A UMG blueprint?


The right answer should be UMG, right?

Wait I missed the objective, I didn’t have the need to use multiple levels yet, so it was kinda irrelevant :sweat_smile: and the answer seemed obvious to me considering you already made almost entire project using that. With that being said, I think using the player controller for that purpose could provide you some efficiency :innocent:

Thanks. What would be the advantage of the player controller over the UMG?

Does this help at all?