I’m a newbie, modified FPS template a bit in Editor (no C++), can test game in editor but when I try to launch to my Windows 64-bit PC, build fails - can’t find UE4Game.pdb.
Project packaging settings:
- Build configuration:Development
- Include debug files:off
- Use Pak file:on
- Include prerequisites:on
I have installed VS2015 through the UE installer, fiddled a bit with it (I am a C++ programmer), but haven’t done anything with it in my test project (I guess?).
This part of the log mostly repeats itself:
[…] LogPlayLevel:
InternalUtils.SafeCopyFile: WARNING:
SafeCopyFile Exception was Exception
in mscorlib: Could not find file
InternalUtils.SafeCopyFile: WARNING:
Failed to copy C:\Dev\Epic
Games\4.12\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Game.pdb to
deleting, waiting 10s and retrying.
Davor Slamnig