Where Is This Shadow Bug Coming From?

I’m working on a simple Marble Game, and everything seems to be working fine, but there’s a mysterious shadow showing up when I tilt the game board towards the player camera as shown below:

This is what it looks like when I start the game, all of the shadows are working properly.

But now, when it’s tilted toward the camera, you can see a shadow near the top of the board. There aren’t any other actors in the level than those that are seen in the images, so it’s definitely not another actor casting a shadow.

At first I thought it was something to do with the location of the Directional Light in the level, but moving it around doesn’t seem to remove the bug. I then checked the Light Map Resolution and Coordinate Index for the board (it is one single static mesh converted from BSPs), but even after modifying those values, the shadow bug is still appearing.

Any help would be appreciated, and thank you for reading!

Try turning off distance fields ( project settings ). If that does the trick ( and you want to keep DF on ), you can increase the self shadow figure in the mesh editor ( I know, you want to reduce it, but bear with me )…

By default, Generate Mesh Distance Fields is turned off, but Support Distance Field Shadows was on. I turned off the latter and tried again, but it didn’t make any visible difference. I also changed the Distance Field Self Shadow Bias in the Mesh Editor from the default of 0, gradually bumping it all the way up to 1000, but it still didn’t make any visible difference, positive or negative.

Ah, sorry…

No problem, thank you for the suggestion! :slight_smile: