Where is the linker info storage?

The engine is trying to load a component that does not exist (I deleted it weeks ago).

I searched all the .ini files and didn’t find it

And yesterday I deleted all the temporary files of the project.


Then that information must be stored somewhere else. And I want to delete it.

Any other place where project information is stored?
Thank you so much!!

Could this be it?

How do I disable it?

How about try right click Content folder in Content Browser, and click fix up redirector?


i will try
thank you so much

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It worked!! Thank you so much!!

By any chance do you know what option is to disable virtual texture compression?

If you don’t want a texture to be a VT, you can simply tick off in that asset, or search virtual texture in project setting, you’ll see what you can do with the VT system.
Btw, didn’t sure it would work though.

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The information must be stored in the Blueprint. But it’s strange because all the code is made in C++.

I have no idea what texture is causing the problem… this is going to be a problem… Thank you very much for your help!!

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